Zillion Vol. 3

Zillion” is a classic Japanese anime series from the late 1980s. The series is set in a futuristic world and is known for its action-packed storyline, iconic weaponry, and its impact on popular culture during the time. Here’s information about “Zillion Vol. 3” in the context of the series:

Overview of Zillion:

  • Original Title: Akai Kōdan Zillion (赤い光弾ジリオン)
  • Produced by: Tatsunoko Production
  • Original Air Date: April 12, 1987 – December 13, 1987
  • Number of Episodes: 31

The series is set in the year 2387 on the planet Maris, where humans are in a desperate battle against an alien race known as the Noza. The Noza are intent on wiping out humanity, and the only thing that stands in their way is the White Knights, a trio of young warriors equipped with powerful Zillion laser guns. These guns are unique and incredibly powerful, making them the humans’ best defense against the Noza threat.

Main Characters:

  • J.J.: The impulsive and hot-headed leader of the White Knights, known for his sharpshooting skills.
  • Champ: The cool and level-headed member of the team, who is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
  • Apple: The only female member of the White Knights, known for her technical expertise and agility.

Zillion Vol. 3:

Zillion was released in multiple volumes, often containing a set of episodes. Volume 3 of the series would typically include episodes that further the storyline and develop the characters’ relationships, as well as their ongoing battles against the Noza.

Content Likely in Vol. 3:

While the specific episodes in “Zillion Vol. 3” can vary depending on the release format (VHS, DVD, etc.), they would likely cover the mid-section of the series where the White Knights face increasingly difficult challenges from the Noza. This volume might include:

  1. Character Development: Further exploration of the dynamics between J.J., Champ, and Apple, as they grow closer as a team and face personal challenges.
  2. Key Battles: Intense confrontations with the Noza, highlighting the effectiveness of the Zillion guns and the strategic importance of the White Knights.
  3. Plot Twists: Possible revelations about the Noza’s plans, the origins of the Zillion guns, or betrayals that add depth to the narrative.
  4. Technological Advancements: Introduction of new weapons, vehicles, or techniques that the White Knights use to stay ahead of the Noza threat.


“Zillion” is remembered not only for its engaging storyline and dynamic action sequences but also for its unique connection to the Sega Master System, as the series was used to promote the Sega Light Phaser gun, which was designed to resemble the Zillion guns from the anime.

The series holds a nostalgic place in anime history, particularly for fans who grew up during the 1980s and 1990s. “Zillion Vol. 3,” like the rest of the series, would be a treasured part of any anime collection, especially for those who appreciate classic sci-fi action anime.

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